Physical Fitness Write For Us
Fitness refers to the ability of your body’s systems to work together effectively to keep you healthy and carrying out activities of daily living. Being efficient means doing daily activities with as little effort as possible.
A fit person can respond effectively to normal life situations such as picking up leaves at home, tidying up shelves at a part-time job, and walking with the group to school. A fit person can also react to emergencies, such as running for help or helping a friend in distress.
Physical fitness consists of 11 parts, 6 of which are health-related and 5 are skills-related. All parts are important for good performance in physical activity, including sport. But all 6 are said to contribute to health-related fitness, as kinesiology scientists have shown that they can reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote good health and well-being.
These parts of fitness are body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscle endurance, power, and strength. They also help you to be efficient in daily activities.
As the name suggests, the skill-related components of fitness help you perform well in sports and other activities that require motor skills. For example, speed helps you in sports like track and field. These 5 parts of fitness are also related to health, but less so than the components related to health.
For example, in the elderly, balance, agility, and coordination are very important in preventing falls (a major health problem), and reaction time are linked to the risk of a car accident. Each part of fitness is described in more detail in the following two elements: The six parts of fitness related to health and The five parts of fitness related to skills.
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